Katie Sawyer

Hometown: Port Aransas, TX

Katie C. Sawyer is a 100 GT licensed Captain, mate, tournament angler, and broadcaster for the Sportfishing Championship (SFC) Series on CBS Sports. She has fished professionally in many locations around the world, including, but not limited to, Baja California, Costa Rica, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. Her fishing focus is on pelagic species, primarily billfish, from light to heavy IGFA rated tackle. Some of Katie’s accomplishments include releasing over 3,000 billfish, tying the Canarian record of 8 giant bluefin tuna releases in a single day, and traveling over 20,000 miles at sea.  When not working on a boat, Katie enjoys sourcing her own meat via freedive spearfishing and all terrain bow hunting.

Advocate - Katie Sawyer